L293D motor drive shield expansion board is a commonly used DC motor drive module, using 293D chip small current DC motor driver chip. The pins are made Arduino compatible, which also facilitates the quick Arduino-based development for enthusiasts. Arduino is a great starting point for electronics, and with a motor shield it can also be a nice tidy platform for robotics and mechatronics. L293D motor drive module is a design for a full-featured motor shield that will be able to power many simple to medium-complexity projects. Driver Module Motor Drive Shield Expansion Board: -Multifunction, Easy to operate, with powerful driver library support and feature updates -Pull down resistors keep motors disabled during power-up -Big terminal block connectors to easily hook up wires (10-22AWG) and power -Arduino reset button brought up top -2-pin terminal block to connect external power, for seperate logic/motor supplies -Can drive 4 DC motors or 2 step motors while driving 2 servos, supporting Z-new. UNO, . Mega 2560 Specifications: Type: Module Module Function: Board Operating Voltage: 5V-12V Current Sensing: 1.65V/A Max current: 2A per channel or 4A max (with external power supply) Tested compatible with Mega, Diecimila, & Duemilanove Scope of application: Beginners, Experimental equipment platform, Interactive electronics, Robots.
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