Max7219 is a serial input or an integrated output common cathode display drivers, 7 segment digital led which connects the microprocessor with 8 bit digital display, can also be connected bar graph display or 64 independent led. It include: S an on-chip b bcd encoder, a scanning circuit, some words to drive, but also the static ram a 8 x 8 to store each data. Only an external register is used to segment the current settings for each led. A simple four wire serial interface can be connected with all general microprocessor. Each data can address does not need to rewrite all display update. Max7219 also allows the user to select each data coding or non coding. Low power consumption shutdown mode the device contains: A 150 and #x3bc; a, analog and digital brightness control, a limited scan register allows the user to display 1-8 data, there is a let all led luminescence detection mode. Only 3 io port can drive 1 dot matrix! dot matrix display without blinking
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